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5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Artificial Intelligence
5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has moved from the realm of science fiction into reality. Today, we see AI and Machine Learning ingrained into many aspects of our lives – often invisibly – transforming business functions and lifestyle ones into one seamless experience.
This Fourth Industrial Revolution transformation – where data science is augmenting our existing digital world and changing the way we live and work – also indicates a new direction for the Future of our Work. While the World Economic Forum (WEF) acknowledged the loss of 85 million jobs with the coming of AI, the organisation also reported 97 million new ones created.
If you are still ambivalent about whether learning Artificial Intelligence makes sense for you, here are five reasons to convince you.
1. Artificial Intelligence is everywhere
Twitter has been using artificial intelligence and natural language processing to recommend relevant tweets to users since 2017 to strengthen user engagement and rentation. AI algorithms are also at the core of Netflix’s business, constantly pushing video recommendations to users. Uber uses AI to pair drivers and riders, and plots optimised routes, factoring in real-time traffic conditions. The use of AI is woven into many areas of these industry giants, and they are always pushing the envelope of how it can efficiently run processes.
For instance, Twitter is pushing for AI to accurately flag unwanted content, while Netflix is generating casting and production choices based on metrics provided by AI. As for Uber, the ride-hailing leader is including AI in fraud detection and safety risk evaluations. As these organisation invest in more use case scenarios, the demand can only grow.
Even when not working invisibly in the background, users can witness the effects of AI’s efficiency in their daily interactions. From chatbots on websites to the voice assistants on one’s smartphone, our relationship with AI is growing in a big way as well.
Given the surge caused by the pandemic, Fortune Business Insights predicts that the global Artificial Intelligence market is set to grow from USD$387.45 billion in 2022 to USD$1,394.30 billion by 2029, driving hyper-personalised experiences and internal productivity with its intuitive features.
2. Learning Artificial Intelligence is the skillset of the century
There’s no surety in jobs except in its demand, and with WEF’s projection, roles in producing AI functions are one of the fastest to emerge in the coming years.
While many see it replacing jobs, the truth is that AI is here to streamline repetitive processes and enable workers in their roles, rather than eradicating them completely. There are some areas that will become obsolete, such as medical diagnosis, speech translation, and aspects of accounting, but for the most part, AI is here only to takeover the paperwork most of us dread.
While AI functions autonomously,the AI still needs to learn, and this is will be driven by professionals like software engineers and data scientists. This is where we’ll see new job creation for machine learning engineers, robotics engineers, and data scientists.
3. Artificial Intelligence jobs are particularly versatile
Some of the jobs you can expect to work in after specialising in Artifical Intelligence are as follows:
- Machine Learning Engineer
- Data scientist
- Business Intelligence Developer
- Research scientist
- Big Data Architect
- Software engineer
- Data analyst
Data scientists is responsible for designing machine learning models to help AI learn from data. A Big Data Architect designs traditional data infrastructure that stores the data which the AI will learn from.
Given that AI can be applied in many different fields such as finance, medicine and law, there are be no lack of demand for AI specialists across all these fields. This, in contrast with the lack of AI specialists has resulted in highly lucrative compensation for such roles. In fact, this trend is likely to persist for the foreseeable future.
4. It’s a fairly even playing field… for now
In many ways, it’s now or never. Big tech is still fairly young having emerged in 2017, and in many ways, those who have roles in developing Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence now haven’t had that much of a head start.
Taking the role of data scientist as an example, Glassdoor revealed that there were about 1700 job postings with data science as the primary role in 2016, but the number is now pegged at 6,500 in 2020. This surge in demand is supported by the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, which predicts the number of jobs will increase by about 28% through 2026.
With the global pandemic accelerating the need for AI, the market is still overwhelmed by demand. Entering the industry at this stage is still considered early, and can allow one’s potential to shine further.
5. Artificial Intelligence jobs is good for the world at large
Agriculture, healthcare, and even city planning – these are some of the industries that have been witnessing severe setbacks, as they battle with climate change, understaffing and rapid urbanisation respectively.
Artificial Intelligence can help transform existing and outdated models to better ones, by introducing automation and crunching information quickly to aid professionals. Even in Singapore, the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) is tapping into AI to facilitate planner trajectories with comprehensive data, and responsiveness to changing needs.
Artificial Intelligence’s role in today’s world can be clearly felt, and the future in AI is plump with possibilities.
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